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My elective c section was the best decision I ever made and the most wonderful experience after a very traumatic first labour and emergency c section! Cesarean section has been part of human culture since ancient times and there are tales in both Western and non-Western cultures of this procedure resulting in live mothers and offspring. The successful management of pain from normal or interventional delivery is an important part of women's experience of childbirth. We found that 83.5% of women with vaginal delivery would choose the same mode of birth again, 74.3% of women with CS on demand, and 66% of women with medically . Background: To investigate birth experience and medical outcome in women with elective cesarean section (CS) compared with women with intended vaginal delivery. 24/04/2013 at 8:16 pm. Bea is a first time mum who had an elective cesarean , due to her baby being breech, at 41 weeks, during the coronavirus pandemic. METHODS:A total of 1050 pregnant women were included in this prospective trial. A caesarean is a major operation that carries a number of risks, so it's usually only done if it's the safest option for you and your baby. As with every surgery . 24/07/2021 17:26 I wrote a post a few weeks ago about baby being breech and possibly needing a csection. Choosing major abdominal surgery to bring my second daughter into this world couldn't have been more different to the months of hypnobirthing practice and my assumption that Etta would slide into the world under water . Lower risk of the . Kritchevsky, SB et al. A C-section is either a scheduled (elective) or emergent procedure. Psychological factors, pain levels and birth experience were investigated using a self-designed . Metabolic stress is increased in vaginally-born infants. Background. This usually happens for medical reasons, although sometimes a woman may prefer an elective c-section for personal reasons, especially if she has had a previous vaginal . Around 1 . I enjoyed my pregnancy. I have had an emergency c section and VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section), I would pick vaginal birth over c-section every single time. Continued C-section Risks. If size is a factor, a smaller baby and less chances of complications. I'm 8 months pregnant with #2, and I want an elective c-section. Background Obstetricians are often reluctant to grant requests for an elective cesarean section (ECS) due to childbirth fear. Psy-chological factors, pain levels and birth experience were investigated using a self-designed Lower risk of incontinence and sexual dysfunction after the birth of the baby. Ling's now healthy, thankfully, but her experience and reporting taught her there's a lot to consider before electing a C-section birth. I accepted and since then have received . Severe constipation can be painful, and straining can injure the C-section incision. From their perspective, when a mother has not naturally entered labor, it is a sign that the baby is not yet prepared to exit the womb. At midday on 5th July 2018 as I was wheeled into theatre, a part of me wondered what on earth I had done. Thank you to everyone on 28th April for our elective C section to deliver our baby boy. Part 1. As most of you know, the latest guidelines suggest that if a woman really wants to get a c section then she should get one, even if there is no medical need for it. The rate of maternal request is . Placenta accreta can happen when the placenta implants itself near the c-section scar. I started my "C-section fund" with a chunk of change earned on a big freelance project. The literature suggests that many of the women seeking an elective cesarean section are doing so for psychological reasons, particularly a previous traumatic birth experience (Reynolds, 1997; Ryding, 1991, 1993). is that the parents have direct experience, whereas nurses only have book-related . The cut is usually made across your tummy, just below your bikini line. You may have an unplanned (emergency) c-section if . Psychological factors, pain levels and birth experience were investigated using a self-designed questionnaire and three established psychological tests in . A caesarean section (c-section) is an operation to deliver your baby. Even though Cesareans have become more common, when considering risks, doctors and parents often only look at the immediate risks. In the past, the rate of death from accreta was 50 percent. So I scheduled an elective C-section. She found hypnobirthing gave her tool to use BRAIN and stay calm in a situation where she would normally find it very hard to do so! C-section operations and their resulting scars are different now than they used to be. Bleeding. Recovery was a little harder second time round but mainly due to the fact I had a very active two year old who was constantly on the go! If performed electively, without medical necessity, we will reimburse 25% for C-sections or inductions. The purpose of the study was to compare the psychological reactions of women after emergency Cesarean section (EmCS), elective Cesarean section (ElCS), instrumental vaginal delivery (ND) . In the morning, my husband, mom, and I got up early and headed to the hospital. Some Doctors say that babies born by elective C-Section and specifically by induced labor experience a significant amount of shock imprint. The results of this single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial in mothers undergoing spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean section supported the effectiveness of Cardamom aromatherapy in reducing the severity of nausea, and in the experience of nausea and retching. It started with a referral from our GP to St Thomas where I had a first midwife checkup and she said I could be offered home midwife support. So she chose to have an elective, scheduled cesarean section. They aren't typically vertical anymore, or as long, and they are now usually cut very low into the belly . Amniotic fluid embolism (amniotic fluid or fetal material enters the maternal bloodstream) Inflammation of the uterus. On the 11th of July at 39+2 weeks my beautiful baby boy was born in Glasgows Queen Elizabeth University Hospital by planned c section. In comparison, an elective C-section is one that you choose to have. (sorry if a bit long) I decided to write my story to help women like me, who cannot find many stories about elective NHS c sections. If elective cesarean section for suspected fetal macrosomia is contemplated, the decision analysis discussed previously determined that for an estimated weight of 4,500 g, 443 cesarean deliveries . Therefore, the problem to be examined here is how to counsel a woman who demands an elective, nonmedically indicated cesarean section . Elective c-section. Also, having an elective c-section increases your chances of needing a c-section with future deliveries. Unfortunately, C-section complications years later are rarely considered or discussed. Request PDF | Psychosocial Influences on Women's Experience of Planned Elective Cesarean Section | The successful management of pain from normal or interventional delivery is an important part . I have a genetic thing where my cervix doesn't open further than about 4cms. Timing to schedule a c-section is based on ovulation date, not the breeding date. I've … Press J to jump to the feed. There is only a 4 day window when puppies can safely be born. You can ask for the IV to be in your non-dominant hand. That's because having an unnecessary c-section is riskier for you than vaginal birth. I'd had a 'challenging' time with natural labour with our first, and still had anxiety about it over three years later. Reasons for the operation include obstructed labor, twin pregnancy, high blood pressure in the mother, breech birth, and problems with the . Elective C Section at St Thomas London. This video details the journey of my C-section experience, What to expect, and also the recovery period. Eating plenty of fiber-rich foods, such . Possible reasons for an emergency cesarean include: Prolapsed umbilical cord (the umbilical cord drops through your cervix into your vagina ahead of your baby) Placenta abruption (the placenta . Lower risk of the baby being deprived of oxygen during delivery. One of the biggest differences between an emergency c-section and a scheduled one is the rushing. You may have a planned (elective) c-section if you know you will need a c-section before you go into labour. Your baby is handed to you immediately after delivery or just minutes later for skin to skin. . The vast majority (87 %) of women with fear of childbirth did not, however, receive a caesarean section. I was thinking I would go for the elective Csection but have since heard so many stories of things going . You can read more about gentle c-sections here, but to summarize, during a gentle c-section: You can ask for a clear drape if you would like to watch the process. . I had my elective C-section one week prior to my due date to minimize the chances of going into labor before the C-section was scheduled. I changed into a hospital gown, was given an IV, and they put monitors on my belly to monitor David. Emergency c-section (non-elective) Surgeon's lack of experience; If you've chosen the obstetric model of care or need to have a c-section, selecting an experienced surgeon who you trust is a way you can help minimise this risk. [4] Abd Rabbo S. Early oral hydration: a novel regimen for management moving around 10 h earlier and this resulted in earlier after elective cesarean section. Beginning March 1, 2020, we will reimburse hospital facilities at 100% for inpatient elective deliveries (C-sections and inductions of labor) performed at less than 39 weeks with medical necessity. Obstet Gynecol 1996; group. During a C-section, you might experience: heavy bleeding, infection, and. My elective c-section. In general, a C-section is a surgical procedure that takes about 45 minutes, whereas a vaginal birth can take hours. From the midwives, anaesthetist, theatre staff, ward staff, students, we had the most amazing care throughout. I was terrified of having a planned C section (second after an emergency one at a different hospital years ago). Our objective was to examine psychosocial factors (expectations, control beliefs, anxiety sensitivity) as measured in mothers and birth partners before an elective cesarean section. A new study has revealed first-time mothers who give birth via unplanned caesarean section are 15% more likely to experience postnatal depression. The EmCS group reported the most negative delivery experience at both times, followed by the IVD group. 3 Babies Are Highly Likely To Experience Stress And Shock. Satoru Asano 1, Nahoko Hayashi 2, Shunsuke Edakubo 2, Maiko Hosokawa 2, Junko Suwa 2, Yutaka Saito 1, Shunsuke Ichi 3, Masuzo Taneda 2 & Keiichi Katoh 2 Elective c-sections, also referred to as planned c-sections , are when the delivery of a baby by caesarean is a planned event rather than a last-minute or emergency decision. It was sort of strange, sitting there with Justin waiting to be rolled back to the operating room. Performing a cesarean section (CS) without medical reason has traditionally been considered as inappropriate (1-3).Nevertheless, many obstetricians are being increasingly confronted with women requesting an elective CS ().In 1996, a law was passed in an Italian region that "warrants the active participation of pregnant women in decision making during all stages of labor and delivery and in . For my first I had an emergency c-section after 19 hours of labour. BACKGROUND:To investigate birth experience and medical outcome in women with elective cesarean section (CS) compared with women with intended vaginal delivery. Objective: The Successful management of pain from normal or interventional delivery is an important part of women's experience of childbirth. C-section has increased worldwide. 1. Based on a growth scan and health concerns though, our specialist . Maternal request for Caesarean section is controversial and yet the NICE Caesarean section Guideline recommends that that if this is requested, following discussion of the risks and benefits, women should be supported in their choice. In 2013, ACOG reported that an estimated 2.5 percent of all . We all relaxed the night before, laughing and enjoying time together. By contrast, a previous negative overall birth experience was highly predictive of elective caesarean section (aOR 8.1, 95 % CI 3.9-16.7) and few women without such experiences did request caesarean section. The entire C-section lasts about 25 to 60 minutes, and recovery takes longer than with vaginal delivery. No one told me about the c section overhang the first time round, maybe because I didn't have a choice, that's the only thing . Since 1970, the United States Cesarean rate has steadily climbed from 5% of births to over 30%, where it has remained since 2005. A C-section, or cesarean section, is the surgical delivery of a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus. n. NessLondon2020. Thank you to everyone on 28th April for our elective C section to deliver our baby boy. To date, it is unknown if an ECS on request improves mental well-being . I had a c section with my daughter who's now 2.5, and it was a wonderful experience. Caesarean section is one of most common surgeries worldwide and in Egypt. 4 . Experience-based co-design methodology uses service user and clinicians . . Birth story by Annie. You'll likely stay in the hospital for two-four days afterwards. Arrived at the hospital at 7am, was told I was 3rd in line to be done but an emergency delivery delayed things a little, she was born at 11:30am. My family, who lives across the country, was there. I was diagnosed with borderline gestational diabetes around 30 weeks, and after seeing an OB/GYN around the same time who confirmed that she was in a full breach position, we scheduled a C-section for 39 weeks. The Egyptian Demographic and Health Survey 2014 revealed a rising caesarean section rate . . 30/10/21. I wanted a scheduled C-section on "maternal request," meaning I wanted the procedure even though the doctor found no medical reason not to plan for vaginal birth. Elective c-sections are c-sections that aren't medically necessary, and most healthcare providers advise against them. I was terrified of having a planned C section (second after an emergency one at a different hospital years ago). C-section: Cons. If size and breech are a major factor, a 38 week cesarean can minimize further complications, higher sugars in a baby, ease pregnancy discomforts in those later stages for you as well, etc. There's no rushing in a scheduled procedure. We focused on the impact that these variables have on maternal fear and pain during . Emergency cesareans carry different risks compared with scheduled cesareans, including increased chances of severe hemorrhage, complications from rapidly administered . Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. There are two types of C-sections: one is elective, where women choose to have a planned procedure, and the second is an urgent or emergency C-section, which is often unplanned. 1 If the baby is in a cephalic presentation, the risk of emergency cesarean may be . Birth story - Bea and baby boy. Pros of an elective C-section. For this type of . Vaginally-born infants experience increased metabolic stress compared with infants born by elective caesarean section 13.Umbilical artery . ". Birth experience (Salmon test) was significantly better in elective CS compared with vaginal delivery, but worse in women with emergency CS and worst in those with vacuum delivery. A total of 1050 pregnant women were included in this prospective trial. According to Greek mythology Apollo removed Asclepius, founder of the famous cult of religious medicine, from his mother's abdomen. Gem94byq. From the midwives, anaesthetist, theatre staff, ward staff, students, we had the most amazing care throughout. Methods. To investigate birth experience and medical outcome in women with elective cesarean section (CS) compared with women with intended vaginal delivery. I am . 2003; 82: 834-840. C-section: Cesarean delivery — also known as a C-section — is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through incisions in the mother's abdomen and uterus. A baby will need to be born by caesarean section if there are serious problems that prevent the baby being born by a normal vaginal birth. (1996). Elective Csection experience. I wasn't nervous at this point. Our objective was to examine psychosocial factors (expectations, control beliefs, anxiety sensitivity) as measured in mothers and birth partners before an elective cesarean section. Firstly, before your planned c-section, you will attend hospital for a 'pre-op' consultation. From the moment I was on the ward prior to moment I left, the staff were amazing. Caesarean section, also known as C-section or caesarean delivery, is the surgical procedure by which one or more babies are delivered through an incision in the mother's abdomen, often performed because vaginal delivery would put the baby or mother at risk. I was even willing to pay gigantic bills if insurance wouldn't cover C-sections without medical cause (though I maintain that anxiety is a medical cause). Right up until a few days before our second baby was born, my husband and I thought I'd be going into labour naturally. Cesarean birth is quite different from a vaginal delivery. Surgical injury to your bladder or intestines. In… Background: Given the increasing rate of cesarean delivery and request without maternal or fetal indication among pregnant women, this systematic review was conducted to obtain the reasons for maternal request for elective cesarean section.Methods: We searched published studies from the first year of records through August 2018 in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Please note - an elective cesarean is a choice. Caesarean section is a relatively safe operation; however, possible . So, we'll start there. It was the same for my mum and sister.I'm actually meeting with the doctor today to talk about it, so I hope they say it's ok. The recovery period is also longer and . Overview. The experience was completely different from my first birth. Even if a doctor suggests a c-section on medical grounds it is still called an elective c-section. Many of these procedures are elective allowing time for preparation of the patient for surgery. Methods: A total of 1050 pregnant women were included in this prospective trial. It was very calm, I had 1 nurse sit next to me the entire time and talk me through everything. Drink plenty of water and ask a doctor about taking a stool softener. Elective cesarean section vs. spontaneous delivery: A comparative study of birth experience. C section is a very calm experience. Hi all, I love the support in this group, I am planning on seeing my OB next week instead of the midwife to discuss elective/planned C-section. My Elective C-section Experience. There are medical factors, reasons . Elective c section in NHS, my experience! "Elective" c section is the name given to all c-sections that are planned. And the day of my section went as follows : Gwyneth Paltrow had a C-section with son, Moses, after her experience of having a delivery that took over 70 hours with her . The delivery of a . C-sections typically require longer hospital stays — two to four days, on average, compared with one to two days for vaginal deliveries. "Elective Cesarean Section and Decision Making: A Critical Review of the Literature" Birth..Volume 34, Issue 1, pp 65 -- 79. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is a multimodal, multi disciplinary, evidence . Elective c-sections create a greater risk of your baby being born prematurely. A C-section is typically only recommended in medically necessary cases, such as in some high-risk pregnancies or when the baby is in the breech position and can't be flipped before labor begins. C-section is a major surgery, you will spend at least six week healing with movement limitations and weight limitations. A caesarean section is a surgical procedure in which a baby is born through a cut made in the mother's abdominal wall and uterus. With my first birth, it was all panic: a staff of doctors literally running me to the operating room. Posted 12/17/20. I have experienced Maternity care from St Thomas Hospital during the pregancy and birth of my baby daughter last week. Risks to future . She ended up flipping on her own by 33 weeks, but I opted to keep my C-section date, as elective C-sections are allowed in Canada. From the moment I was on the ward prior to moment I left, the staff were amazing. It has even suggested that vaginal delivery is not longer the desired outcome of pregnancy, which indicates the existence of medical benefits and convenience for the . Not all physicians will do elective c -sections. bladder and bowel injuries. There are many medical indications for a scheduled (elective) C-section. There was a desire to improve the pathway at Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust.

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