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Unless your dynasty is spread over few thrones or you have an entire bunch of daughters all married to kings and emperors within your diplomatic range, nothing will generate same amount of Renown as your romantic adventures, for which you can even use your own courtiers. You can now recruit Konni as Men-at-Arms. Or even taking the small prestige hit from looting, then recoup it with sacking, which grants bonus prestige (and extra, unpenalised, gold), nullifying the debuff. You can now recruit War Elephants as Men-at-Arms. And of course you can mix and match those traditions by fulfilling the right conditions, spreading your realm to the right places or even simply marry to the right spouse. Astrology offers a 25% experience increase to a random lifestyle for a decade, Alexandrian Catechism grants a permanent 20% increase to Learning lifestyle experience and depending on your form of Hinduism, Bhakti can grant a whopping 20% increase to. With such a powerful army, neither outside enemies nor vassals infuriated by their liege holding so many duchy titles pose any threat; just make sure that your spymaster is excellent, as a powerful army cannot protect you from assassination schemes Set your marshal to train knights. You can thus have a broken combo of a imperial title (Iberia is piss-easy to conquer or at least gain enough land for the title), all four local universities, The brokeness continues. This means that if youre a duke, you never want to go to war for someone elses claim on a duchy. its locked behind the divine rights innovation. You can now use the De Jure Casus Belli, and press multiple claims for another character in a single War; -10% Casus Belli Prestige Cost. You can now recruit Druzhina as Men-at-Arms. +3 Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry Toughness. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in medival Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. You can create a custom religion and add this tenet to enable yourself (even while playing feudal) to go on conquests against neighboring rulers in addition to combining this with holy wars. But let's delve deeper into each one of them: However, not all Improvements are available to you from the beginning. Per building. Existing Development penalty at 35. This means throughout your lifetime, you amassed an absurd amount of prestige, most likely by creating the corresponding titles for the duchies, kingdoms and empire you control now. They provide much stronger bonuses, all but one are already constructed in the 1066 start and two of them (Al-Azhar in Cairo and House of Wisdom in Baghdad) are within the same de jure realm and happen to provide in tandem a bonus equal with controlling, If you are playing as any of the Andalusian Arabs, it is your utmost priority to get to Fes anyway, due to it having not only an university spot, but also a holy site for your version of Islam, allowing you to declare a caliphate once you have it and Cordoba under your control. Fixed by the 1.5 patch, as executing unlanded characters usually provides no dread, and even executing rulers produces much less. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. You can now recruit Longbowmen as Men-at-Arms. If culture A has trebuchets and culture B only has mangonels from the previous era, An AI ruler on switching from culture A to B will disband his superior siege engines and replace them with much weaker counterpart. Once you did the above, you can then have 2 or even 3 regiments of siege engines of mangonels or trebuchets, turning sieges into "less than a month" waits. You can now recruit Zbrojnosh as Men-at-Arms. They come up relatively late (High Medieval, which is no sooner than 1050), but once you have them, you've nullified the worst threat you can face: heavy infantry, heavy cavalry and knights (who for the purposes of the counter system are treated as heavy cavalry). Alternatively, play as a culture that splits. Unruly vassal? Sure, you get a penalty to a counter-troop, but. Up to the point where, Kin. The level of brokeness becomes ridiculous once you have bombards, as those can besiege whatever within just a few days. Their unlock year is noted below: However, like with most Strategy games, progressing Eras isn't just an automatic unlock. Sounds tough? You can now recruit Trebuchets as Men-at-Arms. And if you ignore the loot, but focus on killing whatever tries to take down your raiding party, there is no real downside, while keeping the target without ability to replenish troops and granting optional prisoners to be ransomed. A Culture determines certain Innovation and advancements a Ruler and their people can access to. So I created the kingdom of Wales, shouldn't I have a casus belli on the dejure parts of the kingdom? This guide will strive to accurately explain the Crusader Kings III Culture mechanics, and how these affect and determine access to Innovations, which will provide you with certain advantages, access to new kinds of Men-at-Arms, Laws and other bonuses. You can now press several Claims in a single War; unlocks the. Visigothic culture in the Iberian Peninsula splits into. 40% of all your Culture's Counties are inside of Eastern Germany. He's Norse, he's Asatru For Catholic and Orthodox characters, the Pope/Ecumenical Patriarch is best looked at as a piggy bank in a very, The dread mechanic becomes hilariously broken once you realize that non-faith prisoners cost no piety to execute, or worse yet, some religions. It has one advantage over all other realms: even in the 867 start, it has Primogeniture succession. You can now recruit Sarawits as Men-at-Arms. Own the Empire of Outremer Title, or own your allegiance to a Ruler who does. This means that you cannot declare holy wars on rulers that belong to a religion that isnt sufficiently different from yours. Even after 1.1 killed North Korea mode, stacking several duchy buildings by holding several duchy titles and their capitals can create disgustingly powerful maintenance-free Men-At-Arms by stacking both additive and multiplicative bonuses, resulting in things like archers that do over 800 damage (the base damage of bowmen is 25). Unifying Italy is one of the paths that leads to the "Restore the Roman Empire" decision and ironically despite requiring the most fighting to pull off (requiring you to conquer all the necessary non-Italian lands), it gives the strongest base for the new empire. 48 Counties in Middle East/Persia/N. This cause of war requires prestige, while holy wars require piety. Warlike cultures are near unstoppable in combat, which also causes both a massive jump in Viking raids and a proliferation of tribal kingdoms in general. You can now recruit Schiltron as Men-at-Arms. Hand it over to vassals of a different culture. 40% of all your Culture's Counties are inside of West Africa. This type of casus belli only allows rulers to invade their neighbors that are bordering their own lands. In Crusader Kings 3 you cannot just declare war on anyone for no reason at all. The thing is, it doesn't matter which year it is, so in the case of the 867 start, you gain technology that's potentially. All Mongolic, Iranian & Turkic Cultures; Alans & Mogyrs. Enjoy your already high level knight getting, Crossbowmen. Romance scheme takes about 7-8 months to finish. In the case of Austria, all you really need to do is to exist and either make yourself or a dynasty member the emperor of the HRE (a task much easier to do than it sounds). Split of the realm on your death? Size of Men-at-Arms Regiments is increased by 2. Enforce Islam on the conquered Visigothic rulers. While their expansion in the east is usually checked by the Muslims, they do usually happily expand into the Balkans and into Russia. You can now enact the High Partition Law, and the Equal Law at any Crown Authority Level. Valve Corporation. Or, even better, you elevated yourself to an emperor. In this game, every Ruler, their territories and people belong to a certain Culture, just like with their Religion and Faith. The Development Level of your domains will affect its speed: the more you've Developed your Counties, the faster the advancement will happen. 22 Counties in West Africa are of your Culture. Bonus points for brokeness if you have access to some culture-specific version of Men-At-Arms, since those tend to have additional advantages over the already strong base version. Once successful, that character becomes a vassal of yours. One could very easily use it to win wars against far more powerful foes by starting a kidnap plot against the ruler and declaring war right before the plot fired. -75% Embarking Cost; +25% Naval Speed; unlocks Sailing in Major Rivers; unlocks Raiding Overseas. controlling both Iberia and Southern France, The kingdom of Sardinia can be formed with just, Having access to a very handy succession law and either one (in 867) or two (in 1066) mines for extra income, bunch of counties with 6 holdings with farmland terrain, along with synergy between Industrious and Castle Keepers tradition, You need to reach 100 to gain an actual 1 point of development, meaning that in every 4 finished constructions you gain a point. No other language has this much spread and coverage, both in terms of territory and various realms. Other rulers can still join but usually wont bother with smaller pieces of land. Ethiopian culture in the 867 start is a particularly good example of this in action, since Solomonic dynasty can easily vassalise the entire de jure kingdom of Abyssinia within the first few weeks, while having both Public Works, Irish culture in the 1066 start is another good example. The Byzantine court in particular is chock-full of sex fiends, So enough to get the extremely powerful first three perks of the Blood legacy path, opening the path for eugenic snowballing in your dynasty, Most importantly grabbing the French culture's Public Works innovation, but also Onagers, Bannus, Crop Rotation and Ledger, with the sole exception of City Planning, and that assumes the French didn't discover it in the meantime, One that currently doesn't have a single county on the map with that culture, Destroying titles also incurs opinion penalties with the titles', This is particularly egregious with siege engines. Casus belli innovation for counties, Chronicle Writing for duchies. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), It's a minor bonus to heavy cavalry, but the real kicker is that it provides +50 Renown per successful romance. Terrible (future) heir? As part of the Norse culture, own the Duchy of Neustria, with at least one of it's Counties belonging to the French culture. All Nortd Germanic Cultures; Anglo-Saxons, Frisians and Old Saxons. Certain decisions to create new kingdoms or empires offer extra bonuses that significantly affect gameplay. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Interactive. Gold is inheritable, prestige is not. Several Innovations are researched at a time, but only one Innovation can be selected as Cultural Fascination (an Innovation that is researched at a faster pace) at a time, and only the Cultural Head is the one who decides which one that is. Any advice from the ck gods will help. And unlike cultural retinues, siege engine types are universal for everyone. Given the AI's enormous fondness for seductions in the base game, parking a halfway-decent spymaster with a good intrigue in the court of a nearby king. You can now recruit Mangonels as Men-at-Arms. Considering the Islamic world is a mosaic of cultures, but uses almost entirely the same language, it greatly ease things up and a ruler of a spread-out realm doesn't have to convert other places to their own culture. This game can be really strange sometimes, I found this guy, and had to recruit him as my spymaster. Claims can be passed down from parents to children (up to a point) and after that, they disappear. Size of Men-at-Arms Regiments is increased by 4. Theyre not hard to understand at all. Holy wars for duchies and counties do not have this limit. One of the culture innovations of late (or high) medieval will give the option to press multiple claims in one war. On top of that, both provide free development and in the case of Republican Legacy, you can form republic vassals from cities, which in turn provide an even bigger income when granted higher titles than baron. Forest Folk or Forest Wardens, along with Hill Dwellers and Mountaineer Ruralism, gives respectively Forestry and Hill Farms, the default economic building of baronies with forests or hill-land, with an additional military bonus. Pillage for Norse cultures. 40% of all your Culture's Counties are inside of Deccan India. You can now recruit Chasseurs as Men-at-Arms. Raiding provinces offers tribal rulers a way to both elevate themselves and keep their current and future enemies on their knees. Obtaining de jure casus belli simply means that youll get a cause for war on all lands that are rightfully supposed to be a part of your highest ranking title. Why France in particular? As a result, they will culture-flip into Andalusian culture, rather than the mosaic of the Spaniard cultures, making the region. Libert, egalit Baisse la fraternit? You gain +5% Montly Prestige. Abduction schemes initially allowed some notoriously broken exploits. You can now use the individual De Jure Duchy Casus Belli; and the Casus Belli Prestige Cost is lessened by 10%. Various cultural and regional types of Men-At-Arms check for the. Africa are of your Culture. Several of his strategies are still eminently breakable in-game, while others are since fixed. You can now recruit Sahel Horsemen as Men-at-Arms. Holy wars are common as well, more on that below. Its one of the fastest ways to expand quickly. You can keep declaring them as often as you want. If theres another woman on the throne, you can go to war and install your courtier instead. This is important because you might make the mistake of paying 200+ gold to recruit a woman with a kingdom claim, only to find out you cant go to war for it any time soon. +10 Opinion from members of a Different Culture; +10% Development Growtd/montd. And also be careful when recruiting women with claims because often you wont be able to go to war for them if the current ruler of that land is not a woman, or the lands laws do not allow women to inherit the throne by default. Counties now reach the max. Blood. As an Iberian Independent Ruler, control the Algarve, Beja, Coimbra and Portucale Duchies. -25% Same Culture Mercenary Hire Cost; +100% Number of Mercenary Companies. +2 Heavy Infantry/Cavalry damage; +1 Prowess;. All Sahelian, Senegambian and Central African Cultures; Dajus and Zaghawas. On top of that, that +25 development growth is still affected by various positive multipliers, You thus have a good bonus from your education, Since Prowess goes down with age, by the time you would be able to recruit 40 or so knights, some of them would be too old for the job or even die out of their age, gaining extra skill points with age, while never losing Prowess, kidnapping people and then recruiting them as your friends, any given knight you captured in the battle, Catholic and Orthodox rulers (as well as any monogamous religions with a religious head) can divorce their spouse for 100 piety, and gain up to 300 Fame (which gatekeeps access to the more advanced, The "Golden Obligations" feat from the Avaricious tree (the first one obtainable) allows you to blackmail people for their hooks, granting you gold (usually up to 100, scaling with titles). I wont cover every single possible casus belli but here is a page where you can take a look at all of them, including some custom ones that come from undertaking decisions, getting lifestyle perks etc. You can now recruit Bombards as Men-at-Arms. Your Level of Fame is 'Exalted Among Men' or above. Existing Development penalty at 20. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can't be at War. +20% Knight Effectiveness; +5 Opinion from Direct Vassals. Because you are the only Muslim country with realistic chances of qualifying for the "Avenge the Battle of Tours", Additionally, if you time your conquests right, you can get the Consecrate Bloodline decision as a Catholic after building Grand Cathedral in Santiago, granting an inheritable, In the 867 game start, if you play as a Muslim in Iberia, your top priority is to have every single Visigoth faction on the peninsula under your heel prior to 920, optimally prior to 900, and generally, the sooner, the better.

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