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why did rabbi akiva's students die

These souls required a Tikun and were thus reincarnated into the 24,000 students of. Delivered at the OU Israel Center, April 17th, 2018 This shiur is sponsored by Helen Gross in loving memory of her Husband Alex Gross on his Yahrzeit The Gemara says Rebbi Akiva's students died because "לא נהגו כבוד זה בזה", they didn't treat each other with respect: Why does the Gemara refer to them as 12,000 pairs, not 24,000 students? We are told that Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students died of a plague because although they were learned and observed the mitzvot, they did not treat each other with respect [Talmud Bavli, Yevamot 62B]. Although they took every precaution to maintain secrecy, a . The first of the three legends, which appears in "Sefer Avot de Rabbi Natan," describes Rabbi Akiva beside the well: "How did Rabbi Akiva's illustrious career begin? The future of Torah was in jeopardy until Rabbi Akiva went to the South and taught Torah there. With regard to the twelve thousand pairs of Rabbi Akiva's students, the Gemara adds: It is taught that all of them died in the period from Passover until Shavuot. Rabbi Akiva's students *did* perish because they didn't give appropriate respect to one-another. It was said that Rabbi Akiva had 12,000 pairs of disciples from Gabbatha to Antipatris; all of them died at the same time, because they did not treat each other with respect. Whether Rabbi Akiva actually sent his talmidim into battle, or whether he merely supported Ben Koziva's revolt as the Yerushalmi says, we still have to explain why this was not against the oaths. Older Posts Older Posts. First a disciple of Elisha ben Abuyah and later of Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Meir was one of the most important Tannaim of the Mishnah. Legend, which delights in embellishing the memory . It is said: He was 40 years old and he was an ignoramus." One day he was standing beside a well and he saw a stone there. Hence, haircuts and weddings are permitted. Why would the Sages of the gemara not mention this? disclose the reason for the deaths of Rabbi Akiva's students. In his day, Rabbi Akiva was the Gadol HaDor, the greatest sage of that generation. Lag BaOmer (27/04/10) More. Akiva was one of the founders of rabbinic Judaism as we know it today. Also see Tana Dbei Eliyahu Zuta chapter 22. When Moses heard this, his mind was put at ease. Avihu Schwartz, who was a close student of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Hachohen Kook, shared that Rabbi Kook would say that Rabbi Shimon most strongly symbolized the continuation of Rabbi Akiva. On the day that Rabbi Akiva died, Rebbi was born. The Gemara (Yevamos 62b) tells us that Rabbi Akiva had 24,000 students and they all passed away during the weeks between Pesach and Shavuos because they "did not give honor to each other." Why was this failure visited upon Rabbi Akiva's students during this time in particular? Many commentators find this perplexing. But you have to know that when such things are said in our seforim, they are said in a sublimated sense. According to Rabbinic sources, Rabbi Akiva's students died from asakara, a plague known in rabbinic literature to be caused by malicious gossip. No mater how great a disaster he suffered, he would find a silver lining in the darkest cloud .He would . He began believing that Askara, the plague that killed Rabbi . Rabbi Ch. We are told that Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students died of a plague because although they were learned and observed the mitzvot, they did not treat each other with respect [Talmud Bavli, Yevamot 62B].. Lag BaOmer: Rabbi Akiva and BarKokva Part1 (07/05/12) More. Palestinian tanna; born about 50; martyred about 132. So why would Jewish texts say that Rabbi Akiva's students died in a plague? And the answer we gave is that he was following someone who had the criteria to be Moshiach; in contrast to the hesder yeshivos who are going to . Sadly, all of them passed away in a plague because they did show respect to one another. Rabbi Akiva's life is a fascinating tale of inspiration, of a man of humble origins who overcame it all to achieve greatness. Oorah's founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, delivers a weekly Tuesday night class at Oorah's "Torah Spot" in Staten Island. On Lag B'Omer, however, not only does the mourning period come to a halt, but there is even an idea to increase in happiness. Jewish History with Rabbi Dr. Dovid Katz • By Rabbi Dr. Dovid Katz • Apr 20, 2020 . Teachings Halacha. Rabbi Akiva had 12,000 pairs of students from Givat to Antipras, and all of them died in a single period of time—because they did not treat one another with respect. Yes, he failed miserably. It was taught: All of them died between Passover and Shavuot. Perhaps the Romans, in a propaganda effort, forbid the Jews from publicly speaking about the real reasons for the deaths of the 24,000. Torah study is not the automatic emulation of the thought of previous generations. "It says, 'They did not treat each other with respect,'" Rabbi Jacobs tells me over . How Did Rabbi Akiva's Students Die? At the same time, the Omer is also associated with mourning, for in this time period the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva perished, as the Talmud (Yevamot 62b) records: Rabbi Akiva had twelve thousand pairs of disciples, from Gabbatha to Antipatris, and all of them died at the same time because they did not treat each other with respect. From his words it seems that they didn't die from an epidemic or plague but that they followed in their teacher's ways. This is also the day that Rabbi Akiva granted ordination to his five students - among them Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai - they did not die in the plague that struck Rabbi Akiva's other students . Rabbi Akiba (illustration from the 1568 Mantua Haggadah) My recent encounter with Matthew Novenson's Christ among the Messiahs has led me to a few other publications of his and one of them I found particularly surprising and interesting: Why Does R. Akiba Acclaim Bar Kokhba as Messiah? How does learning Zohar cause us to merit the final redemption? The students, therefore, truly died "because they did not conduct themselves with respect for one another." " Lo nahagu kavod zeh ba-zeh " At first, this seems quite shocking. A very famous Rabbi called Rabbi Akiva had 24,000 students. Did the Students of Rabbi Akiva Die on the Original Lag B'Omer? Why did this particular quality have such a terrible impact? Lag BaOmer (27/05/08) More. The Talmud tells us ( Yevamot 62b ), When Rabbi Akiva's students died and the world was desolate, he went to the south of Eretz Yisrael and started over again! See Sanhedrin 68a. Akiva went to Yavneh and studied under two of Rabban Gamliel's students: Rabbi Eliezer ben Hurcanus, Rabbi Joshua ben Hananiah, and Nachum Ish Gamzu. that appeared in a 2009 Journal for the Study of Judaism (40). Rabbi Akiva had to start over, with just five students — all of whom risked their lives to receive rabbinic ordination in a time of cruel Roman persecution. Approximately sixty-five years after the destruction of the Second . Rabbi Akiva's teachings, through his pupil Rabbi Meir . Various sources say that "12,000 pairs" of Rabbi Akiva's students died between Pesach and Shavuos because they did not treat each other with respect. Moreover, Rabbi Akiva also survived a pandemic that wiped out his disciples — all 24,000 of them, representing the entirety of Jewish religious scholarship in that generation. It is believed that he died during the Bar Kochba Revolt in 132 CE, but his date of birth is unclear, as the only sources for his life appear in the. Why is the mourning period for the students of R. Akiva, so much more halachically serious than similar tragedies, in Jewish history? Rabban Gamliel *did* say that all Torah study that isn't accompanied by work, *sofah beteilah vegoreret avon*. 56 d ). 1. Why do we celebrate when they stopped dying - they stopped dying because there were all gone!? The Talmud (Yevamot 62b) explains that 33 day mourning period during these weeks is to commemorate Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students who died 2000 years ago because they didn't have proper respect for one another. ). Akiva ben Joseph (Hebrew: עקיבא בן יוסף‎; c. 40 - c. 137 CE), widely known as Rabbi Akiva (Hebrew: רבי עקיבא‎), was a tanna of the latter part of the 1st century and the beginning of the 2nd century (3rd tannaitic generation). He did not die with the rest of these students. Supporting Bar Kochba Rabbi Akiva's study hall and did not understand what they were saying. According to Tractate Yevamot 62b, the students did not show sufficient honor to each other. iii 47 b, R. H. i. The plague killing Rabbi Akiva's students ends, perhaps suggesting an opportunity for love for one another, having learned a lesson, and united celebration that the plague has finished. Although Rabbi Akiva's earlier students did not survive, his later disciples were able to transmit the Torah to future generations. Rabbi Meir was not a student of Zakai at Yavneh. Lag BaOmer (17/05/11) More. Why did 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva die during this period? The reason, the Babylonian Talmud tells us, is that during this period, Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students, who lived 1,850 years ago in the Roman dominated Land of Israel, died from a mysterious G-d . The plague occurred "because they did not act respectfully towards each other." According to the Talmud, Rabbi Akiva's students died between Passover and Shavuot- hence why we mourn their lives during this time period. One of the reasons why Lag BaOmer is celebrated is because it marks the day that the plague which killed many of Rabbi Akiva's students ended. While Genesis Rabbah simply describes the disciples' deaths, the Bavli adds that 'the world was barren' (íîù íìåòä äéäå), meaning that Rabbi Akiva was the only representative of Torah in the world. Rabbi Akiva said to them: It is a law transmitted to Moses from Sinai. Part1 (24/04/13) More. A great person becomes greater from great troubles. "Rabbi Yehuda, quoting Rav, said: `When Moses ascended (to receive the Torah), he found God sitting and tying crowns to the letters . There is so much tragedy in his story. And the world was desolate until Rabbi Akiva reached our rabbis in the south and taught the Torah to them. Without troubles a person does not access the deepest recesses of his potential. "Rabbi Akiva clearly had unbelievable resilience. In his day, Rabbi Akiva was the Gadol HaDor, the greatest sage of that generation. The stone had tiny grooves in it. We have to analyze what makes this tragedy so unique. Rabbi Akiva *did* say the "love your neighbour as yourself" is a *klal gadol batorah*. Rav Hai Gaon maintains that Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students were killed not in a plague but rather in the Bar Kochba Rebellion. We have to analyze what makes this tragedy so unique. With these 5 as the foundation, Rabbi Akiva begins to teach once again. Inspired by the martyrdom of the heroic sage, Rebbi's parents defied the Roman ban and performed bris milah on their son on the eighth day after his birth. Moses' strength waned … [Rabbi Akiva's] students said: My teacher, from where do you derive this? This addition enhances the significance of Rabbi Akiva's effort to teach new disciples: Everything was de- pendent on him. (1): Ecclesiastes 11.6 After seeing Rabbi Akiva sacrifice his life in order to teach Torah, they did the same and sacrificed their lives in order to learn and teach Torah and were eventually killed by the Romans. They perished, the Gemara says, because they did not treat each other respectfully. (Bar Kokhba was the leader of the second . He raised twenty-four thousand talmidei chochomim, exceptional students. Akiva's greatness was recognized early and when Rabban Gamliel was briefly deposed as the leader of the academy, the still young Akiva was considered as a successor (Berachot 27b). Therefore, we have to understand why Chazal chose this particular incident in our history for commemoration in all generations. He was of Humble Origins. Posts navigation. Others suggest that it was the Sassanians . The class deals with the historic background of the time, as seen in the sources and archeology, which explicitly prove that the tannaim, R. Akiva's students, learned in a . It was during this time that the deaths of 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva occured due to a plague. Lag BaOmer: Rabbi Akiva and BarKokva Part2 (09/05/12) More. Because of the day’s joyous nature, the semi-mourning features of the 49-day Sefira period also end. That was Rabbi Akiva. During Sefirat Ha'Omer we observe some laws of mourning because it was at this time that 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva died. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who was also a student of Rabbi Akiva, himself represents this transition. Before he died he told his students that when he died they mustn't mourn for him but they should have a happy day where they rejoice. The world was desolate until Rabbi Akiva came to our Rabbis in the south ([of Israel] and taught them: R. Meir; R. Yehuda; R. Yose; R. Shimon; and R. Elazar ben Shamoah . Rabbi Akiva had twelve thousand chavrusos of students, from Gavat to Antiperes, and all of them died in one period because they did not demonstrate respect toward each other. The Talmud says they died "הז םע הז דובכ וגהנ אלש", they failed to treat each other with respect. How did they die, the Talmud continues, and answers that they died from ascora, a disease that affect the lungs and throat. The answer to this can be found by examining a key phrase in the Talmud 's account of the death of Rabbi Akiva's disciples: It was said that Rabbi Akiva had 12,000 pairs of disciples from Gabbatha to Antipatris; all of them died at the same time, because they did not treat each other with respect. I choose, this year, to make Lag B'Omer about the Talmud's plain phrase about Akiva's students. Rabbi Akiva began his life as a shepherd. Akiba's Death. We learn that they died because Advertisement לא. That was Rabbi Akiva's view on life. When he died, Rabbi Akiva said "My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof; I have many coins but no money changer to accept them.". 2. The Gemara in Maseches Yevamos (62b) tells that Rabbi Akiva had 24,000 students who all died from a dreadful disease during a single period — the weeks after Pesach. ! [Menachot 29b] Akiva' s own disciples, the ea rlier group of which are said to h a ve died. Why is the mourning period for the students of R. Akiva, so much more halachically serious than similar tragedies, in Jewish history? 5 The earliest known source for this opinion can be found in a responsum ascribed to Rav Natronai Gaon (J . With these 5 it is possible, and eventually, Rabbi Akiva builds up 40,000 students from these original 5 — more than the number he had from before! During this same period, thousands of Rabbi Akiva's students died all at once . The students, therefore, caused their own death. The head of the Torah academy was Rabbi Akiva himself. Rabbi Akiva said: "Beloved are sufferings" - a person should appreciate troubles, because from the troubles we grow. Specifically, because the paired students engaged in close-contact Torah learning they naturally infected each other. There is a sad interjection in this period, one which marks it with lingering customs of public mourning. During the period between Passover and Shavuot, during a thirty-three day period, all twenty-four thousand students died. Why was the world desolate after Rebbi Akiva's students died - they weren't the only talmidei chachamim? Rav Avigdor Miller on Why Did Rabbi Akiva's Students Die ©2022 Toras Avigdor | WordPress Theme by Superb Themes Send to Email Address Your Name Your Email Address Cancel What are the acts of mourning that we do not do during this time period? Rabbi Eliezer had incredible knowledge he was unable to pass on - because his colleagues ostracized him. A full history of Akiba, based upon authentic sources, will probably never be written, although he, to a degree beyond any other, deserves to be called the father of rabbinical Judaism (Yer. "Rabbi Akiva had 12,000 pairs of students from Gevat to Antipatris (in the North), all of whom died in the same period of time because they did not show one another the proper respect. It was precisely because of the breakdown of civil discourse and respect for one another that they were afflicted with the plague and died. Rabbi Akiva was a leading contributor to the Mishnah and to Midrash . I believe that both reasons for the death of Rabbi Akiva's students can be read harmoniously. It is a classic question to ask why R' Akiva's students died. Rabbi Akiva (sometimes spelled Akiba) is considered to be one of the greatest rabbinic sages, yet the biographical details of his life remain somewhat of a mystery. Whatever happened to cause the death of so many of Rabbi Akiva's students, Lag B'Omer continues to be celebrated as the day on which the tragedy ended, and hope was restored. The Chasam Sofer writes that the students of Rabbi Akiva died during the 49 day time period because they were lacking in one specific quality of the 48 listed that is to be perfected : loving G-d's creatures. The Gemara adds that their death left the world bereft of Torah scholarship, until Rabbi Akiva . Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua. Reb Yaakov explains that the sefira period is supposed to take . Instead, each of us may offer a new explanation of the crowns adorning the letters in the Torah's text. He raised twenty-four thousand talmidei chochomim, exceptional students. Did the Students of Rabbi Akiva Die on the Original Lag B'Omer? It was he was is the author of the famous dictum, SheḲ. 1. The death of the students of Rabbi Akiva plays a paramount role in our lives during this Sefirah period. But it is argued that it is entirely possible that he became a student of Zakai at Bror Hayil. Why did Rabbi Akiva's students die? According to one tradition they died as a punishment because of insufficient regard for each other's dignity. Rabbi Akiva - Five Traits of an Exceptional Jewish Sage. 3. The Students of Rabbi Akiva The Talmud (Yevamos 62b) tells us that 12,000 pairs of Rabbi Akiva's students died on account of the fact that they did not extend honor to one another. This is specifically why 24,000 died during the plague caused by the lewd behavior of Zimri and his tribesmen. When Moses Met Akiva. Not sinas chinam, but לא נהגו כבוד זה לזה - They didn't treat each other with the proper amount of respect (Yevamos 62b). Akiva ben Yosef (Mishnaic Hebrew: עֲקִיבָא בֶּן יוֹסֵף ‎ ʿĂqīḇāʾ ben Yōsēf; c. 50 - 28 September 135 CE), also known as Rabbi Akiva (רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא ‎), was a leading Jewish scholar and sage, a tanna of the latter part of the first century and the beginning of the second century. True or False? The spread would also have been accelerated when those students would gather in larger groups to participate in classes lead by their teachers or rebbeim in a lecture hall. The day, according to Jewish tradition, is when a plague that took the lives of 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva ended. This comment from R' Sherira Gaon (906 CE- 1006 CE) is the only reference to R' Akiva's students dying due to religious persecution, which is perhaps a reference to the Bar Kochba revolt. Rabbi Hama bar Abba, and some say Rabbi Hiyya bar Avin, said: All of them died a terrible death. This was a disgrace that the students of the great Rabbi Akiva should behave in such a depreciable manner. Rabbi Akiva ben Joseph, who was born in the year 40 of the Common Era and executed by the Romans in approximately 135 C.E., remains one of the most extraordinary human beings and role models in all of Jewish history. He is referred to in the Talmud as Rosh la-Chachamim (Head of all the . The world remained desolate [of Torah] until Rabbi Akiva came to our rabbis in the south and taught them Torah. What was it? The Talmud (Yevamos 62b) notes that there were 12,000 pairs of students and all died from a plague that occurred at this time because they did not demonstrate respect toward one another. Kavod zeh ba-zeh & quot ; Lo nahagu kavod zeh ba-zeh & quot ; first. World bereft of Torah scholarship, until Rabbi Akiva & # x27 Omer! The Gadol HaDor, the plague and died terrible death what makes this tragedy so unique lining the. Says, because they did not show sufficient honor to each other & # x27 ; s students?. T uncommon in those days for the extra happiness that we are meant to on... Remained desolate [ of Torah scholarship, until Rabbi Akiva was the leader the! With Roots < /a > Specifically, because they did show respect to one tradition died. Of the second Rabbi Hama bar Abba, and some say Rabbi bar! 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why did rabbi akiva's students die